The Team
Resident Expert:
A couple of years ago, Chuck decided it was time to pass the mantle on to a new generation of growing enthusiasts. He wasn’t willing to sell to just anyone, and when he finally did — and after a couple of weeks retirement and a little too much free time — decided to stay on in the role of “resident expert”. We’re glad he stayed and you will too!
And, yes, Mr. Fertilizer logo created just a short time ago was inspired by Chuck, to honor the legacy and embody the essence he’s left in the store. “Mr. Fertilizer” isn’t a person, but a spirit that everyone involved aspires to!
Assistant to the Assistant Manager:
Logistical extraordinaire, Dan combines his “Jack of all trades” office skills and a fancy business degree from U.Vic with customer service and an interest in growing organically.
He shares, “I’m glad to be using my skills for Mr. Fertilizer. I can set up a web site (I hope) and fix the internet when it’s broken, but I still have so much to learn about growing. Be patient with me!”
The man with the plan:
You wanna get growing? Talk seeds? Learn, absorb, learn, absorb. Talk to Lance!
Since 2012, first as the co-owner and now steering the ship solo, Derek decided to take on the challenge of keeping Mr. Fertilizer as great — and making it even better — than it had been.
It’s a tough task, and as any small business owner will tell you, “One day at a time.”

Monday - Saturday: 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Sunday: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Phone: (250) 381-4644
Fax: (250) 381-4642
Address: 9 Burnside Road West, Victoria, BC